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Home » Baby Sun Rose (Aptenia cordifolia): Plant Care and Growing Guide – House Plants Expert

Baby Sun Rose (Aptenia cordifolia): Plant Care and Growing Guide – House Plants Expert

by Elyssa Goins
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Baby Sun Rose, also known as Aptenia Cordifolia it’s a member of the Aizoaceae family, large flowering plants with approximately 1800 species, and those plants are native to South Africa.

This genuine name, “Apten” came from Greek, which means wingless, and “cordi” derived from Latin merged with “folium”, which together means heart leaf. You can find this plant with many names, such as Baby Sun Rose Plant, Heartleaf Ice Plant, Aptenia cordifolia, Red Aptenia, and Aptenia Cordifolia Variegata.

We can say that these plants are known as succulents, and some parts are fleshy, thickened, and engorged with a tendency to retain water in hard arid conditions with soil or climate. The succulent part can be seen in the photo below.

Now, for those who love plants or would like to have plants around, but carrying and growing can be a pain or an additional problem,  don’t feel discouraged about taking care of them. Succulents are the best plants for you because the Baby Sun Rose it’s very tolerant in neglected conditions.

Nonetheless, if you intend to have a flourishing Baby Sun Rose propagation, you must know a few things that might help you take care of them.

Facts About Baby Sun Rose

If you are considering having a plant like this, you should know these facts:

It Has a Good Fragrance

Baby Sun Rose has a soft, gentle, flowery fragrance perfect for any baby’s nursery. This sweet scent blends rose and citrus notes with a hint of vanilla. The smell is perfect for helping soothe babies and provides a calming atmosphere. It is hypoallergenic and free from synthetic fragrances, making it a safe choice for newborns. Caring and growing Baby Sun Rose will help create a peaceful and loving environment for your little one.

Adds Color and Texture

Baby sun roses are great for adding color and texture to your garden and can be used as a border plant or in a rock garden. The vibrant flowers are available in vivid pink, red, yellow, and purple hues, and butterflies, bees, and other insects are drawn to them for their attractiveness. They will also attract hummingbirds when grown in a hanging basket. The flowers bloom during the hottest part of the day and close at night.

Caring and Growing Baby Sun Rose Plant

In order for the plant to become healthy and have a long life span, you should take consideration of how to take care of it properly.


For Aptenia Cordifolia light, it prefers sunny bright spots with at least 6-8 hours of direct sunlight each day to thrive with well-draining, slightly acidic soil, but if your soil is too clay-like, you can add sand or compost to improve drainage. If your baby sun roses are in an area that receives partial shade, don’t worry because they can tolerate some shade, and you can still grow them, but they may not bloom as profusely or as often. A perfect guide for lighting should be considered to nourish your plant.


The watering guide for this plant is you have to water it when the soil is dry, about once a week, making sure to check the soil for moisture before watering. The best time to water them is in the morning, so you can give time for the plant to absorb the moisture throughout the day.  If you happen to overwater it, don’t worry because it is fairly tolerant of occasional over-watering.


Sun Roses prefer warmer temperatures and will thrive between 65-80°F and 40-50°F at night. A moderate humidity level of 40-50% is ideal. A higher level than this may cause the flowers to rot, while a lower humidity level might cause the leaves to drop. With the growth of the plants, you will notice that they will adapt much better to sudden temperature changes and low or high humidity levels. A good temperature guide for this plant will keep your plant from being dry.


During the growing season, baby sun roses will benefit from a balanced fertilizer. However, avoid over-fertilizing as this can damage the plant. With the right care and attention, baby sun roses can add color and texture to your garden. Usually, you have to fertilize it once a month. Ensure the fertilizer is diluted to half-strength so as not to burn the roots. You should have a good guide in fertilizing your houseplants.


Baby Sun Rose propagation must be done in late summer, so you can control its size and shape. The guide on propagating them is, you can prune them regularly to remove dead or damaged branches. You should also deadhead spent flowers to encourage more blooms.

Bautiful Baby Sun Rose

Baby Sun Rose Propagation From Seeds

The propagating sun rose plants from seeds is an easy start for an enthusiastic gardener. Before beginning this project, collect a few healthy and high-quality seeds from mature plants. To begin, prepare a potting mix with equal parts peat moss and vermiculite, moistened with water until it drips from a grasped handful.

Place the mixture in a seed-starting tray and lightly press the surface of the medium to firm it into the container. Next, spread the sunrose seeds over the soil evenly. Cover the seeds with a thin layer of the soil mix and gently press the seeds into the media. Water the seeds until the mixture is moist. Cover the tray with plastic wrap or a germination dome to maintain a humid environment essential for germination. 

Cut out a few air holes for air exchange. Once the seeds have germinated and young plants are established, carefully transplant them into containers with well-draining, fertile soil. 

Place the container in a spot that receives adequate sunlight. Keep the soil evenly moist with the proper care, your Sun Rose will thrive and bring you lots of joy.

Baby Sun Rose

Baby Sun Rose Propagation From Cuttings

Take stem cuttings from the succulent plant. To expose more inner tissues, cut the cuttings at a 45-degree angle with a sharp, sterilized blade. Allow a few days for the cuttings to dry. This ensures that the cut ends are sealed. Put cactus soil in a container. Allow about 2 inches from the top. Fill the potting mix with the cuttings and cover the tips with more cactus soil. Keep them moist but not drenched. Allow two to three weeks for seedlings to appear at the bottom of your Sun Roses plants.


Sun rose is an attractive, low-growing plant with bright yellow flowers blooming from the center. It is a great choice for someone looking for an easy-care houseplant and works perfectly indoors and outdoors. When carrying your Sun Rose, the most important thing to remember is to ensure it gets plenty of sunlight. These plants like to be in a sunny bright spot. Water your Sun Rose plant once weekly, ensuring the soil is moist but not soggy.

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Toni Nagy
5 months ago

I have a corn plant that I need to root and replant I don’t know how

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